Usually, the drive succumbs to a voltage spike. The fact that it's built into the motor limits the size of the choke you can put in it. The last time I was actively involved in the workings of Trane, they were about to begin a program where you could buy just the drive.
The PID is only a theoretical entity as far as I know. It's in the drive, which mounts to the back of the motor. Bunch of plastic coated elctronic parts is all I can tell you. I learned about PID in controls class, and I know the accuracy with which the VS motors respond to changes is only available in a PID control. It's an awesome technology.
The "user interface" for lack of a better word, is usually a block of dip switches, or some wires with little pins to stick them on. You have frequently read in this forum about proper setup of a VS system? Well, it's a matter of choosing the correct airflow for the application. Example: you have 11 pins and four wires. White wire is for the lowest speed you ever want the fan to operate at. This is usually 40-60% of cooling speed, which will be the highest speed. Let's say you have a TWE060. That's a Trane model number for a 5 ton fancoil unit. It has the capability of moving 5 x 450 CFM, or about 2250cfm. Now, you connect that to a four ton unit, to give a 12 or 13 SEER. But, that 4 ton unit never, ever needs more than 1600 CFM. So, we set our cooling speed wire for the pin representing 1600 CFM, set the "ventilation pin to 640 or 500CFM, and the heating pins to a comfortable setting for heatpump, and a required setting based on the amount of supplemental heat.
Now, add the "Comfort" setting. This is usually done in a series of dip switch settings, which are actually on the controller board, (which controls very little, and has nothing to do with your concept of a PID controller in a block diagram.) This setting allows the unit to maintain a certain outlet air temperature. As outdoor temps drop, the heat pump moves less heat into the house, and the fan slows down to maintain that nice, warm toasty feeling air.
I hope this helps some, but I'm gonna have to pass out now. I'm dieing here from lack of sleep.
There are no stupid questions. . .just a lot of inquisitive idiots.